In the News

Path to River app, Storm Drain Cleanup Challenge

by Marla Khan-Schwartz
posted on April 22, 2020

— Northeaster Newspaper

Join the Northeast Storm Drain Challenge Today

by Council Member Kevin Reich
posted on May 11, 2020

— 1st Ward News

Northeast Adopt-a-Drain Challenge

by Adam Flett
posted July 27, 2020

— Mississippi Watershed Management Organization

Rake Up to Protect Lakes and Rivers from Leaf Litter

by Amelia Foster
posted on October 14, 2020

— Clean Water Minnesota

Adopt-A-Drain Contest Ends, River’s the Winner

by Cynthia Sowden
posted on November 17, 2020

— Northeaster Newspaper

River Matters: Adopt a Drain Program with Michelle Spangler

by Brianna Rose
posted on February 13, 2021

— Mill City Times